1) 高達同好聚!
Justbecause a causal invitation by regzzero (johnchan) in May, it evolvesinto a regular monthly gathering of Gundam fans, now it is the 7th!
BTW, u may know, regzzero is a legendary collector of Gundam stuff (if u don't believe me, try search his posts in TD).
Creditmust be given to Tasuku, we are headache abt the gathering venues (theCB cafe was finally closed ;p), since the 4th gathering, he offers his"luxury" club hse for us!
We have over 10 fans in each gathering, come an join us!
2) RTHK第2台 e個世界 訪問收聽! - "log 你個 blog!"
Quite surprise that my blog is targeted. Click the link to listen!
3) Figma!
Evena "absolute" Gundam fan like me grabbed this stuff. This line is greatcoz it successfully demonstrated the very subtle expression of lady!
Well finally I am truly a Gundam fan... coz they are both sold ;p
BTW,I re-read the Norwegian Wood the 2nd time in this yr! It is even moretouching! ^ U might know from the 1st sentence of the book why I re-read...
長門有希 X 村上春樹
& of coz! 涼宮春日的憂鬱! Her highness!
高達人物蛋 Universal Century Pilot Collection
Not Figma, but I don't want to create a category.... this Amuro costs me over 200... coz I only want Amuro in a box of 6
4) Chogokins - Robots of my day!
Grabbed by impulse... & sold within 2 weeks... I am a true Gundam Fan!;p
I can stop myself to make it "Gundam" feel~
Element of Gundam again~ ;p
魂SPEC L-Gaim-兩兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌?Sold too ;p
Not a good pic, but the background is in black- only once in a blue moon for me!
I only keep this Chogokin, U should know why
5) Shots for friends- not buid by me nor own by me...
Some friends started to invite me to shoot for them, well... the outcome... depends on "emotional bonding"...
Bro regzzero's 電擊2008
Bro regzzero's 電擊2007
ultrayung's- my long term modeler
the following 3 pics are with "less heart" ;p
Oh..tired... Stay tune to Part 3! The TOY of the Year of Gundam@EFSF! Asingle piece of toy that worth me a complete blog article! Guess what is it?