标题: 小島秀夫回應一而再再而三幻想MGS4移植其他主機的謠言


UID 4241
积分 3448
帖子 4174
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发表于 2009-5-17 12:12  资料  短消息  加为好友 

Kojima Productions Response To MGS4 Rumors
2009/5/16 12:00 PM

Early this morning an article from Kombo written by Matt Furtado
stated that they received an email from an unknown publisher which we
would like to know from whom. Although it's concerning the upcoming
Kojima project, A new patch that will feature Raiden in an upcoming
downloadable content update that will take control of Raiden through a
total of 2 new chapters or more in the near future.
雷電為主角的PS3 MGS4新下載升級內容,將可以操作雷電進行兩個或更多的新章

Kombo also stated that trophies are finally be making a debut and
speaking of debut. It looks like the XBOX 360 will be experiencing
Metal Gear Solid early as spring 2010. The 360 version will come
packed with the downloadable content. Kombo also stated that PS3
owners will have it exclusive for several months before the 360 title
is released.

Here at Game Of Honor; as much as we love rumors, we would rather get
the truth instead of false information. Were all gamers at heart so I
for one speaks for everyone when I say "Enough Of The Rumors". It's
not a bad effort from Kombo to create such hits to achieve on there
site. But Kombo had nothing to back up there sources. We love what we
do; get the truth.
(這裡是Game Of Honor網站,雖然我們喜歡謠言,但還是要求證事實,其他廢話)

So we contacted our friends at Kojima Productions on this matter and
there reaction toward it.

Kojima Productions "unfortunately we are still not working on a 360
version of MGS4. How ever, Were revealing something"

http://gameofhonors.blogspot.com ... -productions-respon

看來真的是BIG BOSS的故事

Rumors have been running rampant around the Internet about a possible Metal Gear Solid 4 announcement for Xbox 360. Is anybody surprised? The same rumor pops up before every major and minor press event that Konami is in any way associated with. We do know that Kojima Productions, the studio responsible for the Metal Gear franchise, is making an announcement this Friday. Our money is on that not being a Metal Gear game for Xbox 360. The rumors of the PS3 exclusive finding its way over to Xbox 360 are growing tired and stale. If you want to play the game, dish out the cash and get a PS3. Stop holding your breath for it to come to Xbox 360.


看來IGN也證明了這件事   現在就看是不是越戰了   差這個沒用過



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