ePSXe上一个版本是在2003年发布的....此后是5年的沉寂. 一度很多人都认为它跟其他的一些纯凭个人兴趣的项目一样就此死掉, 然后销声匿迹. 不料5月24日它又给了我们一个惊喜.
模拟器可能会报需要zlib1.dll 和 wnaspi32.dll , 自己去拖一个就好.
配合同期发布的最新Pete's PSX GPU Plugins, MGS, Xenogears, FF8/9, Chrono Cross等名作均可很好地模拟.
Short changelog:
Multiple changes has been done in the Pad support.
The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.7.0 version.
The iso support code has been rewritten.
The MDEC decoder has been rewritten.
A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is included.
The XA/CDDA support has been worked in this new version.
Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core.
The ePSXe team
最新Pete's PSX GPU Plugins:
最后, 小小地期待一下汉化.